Design by Dewald Coetzer |
Yesterday I was doing a water change and as always I took the old water and
dump it in the garden to water the plants like I always do and was thinking
how green of me. It got me thinking you could help the planet and enjoy your Hobby at the
same time, here goes.
10 ways to be greener with your tank:
1 Water your plants with the old tank water.
2 Put a timer on your lights (will help the algae battle)
3 Switch to LED lighting may cost more money, but last almost a lifetime and
more efficient than CF L's.
4 Do not put your tank close to an open door (your heater will thank you
5 Get fish that can adapt to your water or that likes your water (do not forget
to de-chloronise your water)
6 Organize a carpool to a good pet shop that is far from you. (May even meet
nice people or get killed)
7 Avoid using disposable HOB cartage's (will not lose your biological
filtration all at ones)
8 Support your local Fish breeder (the fish will be accustomed to your water
9 Do not over feed (more food = more waste)
10 Do not over stock your tank (the fish will also thank you for it)
So in conclusion following the 10 tips above will not stop global warming
but might save
you money,give you healthier and happier fish.
May the Force be with you !