Monday, December 29, 2014

Bucephalandra CF. motleyana "Melawi"

Bucephalandra CF. motleyana "Melawi"

Region: Borneo
Height: 2-25 cm
Width: 2-16 cm
Light Requirements: Low - High
Temperature: 18-25 °C
Hardness Tolerance: Medium (6dKH)
pH tolerance: 6.5 - 7.5
Growth: Slow 
Demands: Low 
co2 requirements: Highly recommended

All  Buchepalandra are rheophytes from Borneo. Bucephalandra are found growing as dense mats over stones in streams. Bucephalandra can grow emersed and submersed.
Bucephalandra is a genus of flowering plants in the Araceae family. The genus derives its name from the Greek word for bull’s head due to its horn shaped anthers.
 Bucephalandra look very similar to Anubia in appearance. The Rhizomes attach firmly onto rocks and wood. The stems of the Bucephalandra are mostly pink or red, and during stress, the Bucephalandra can lose its leaves.

Bucephalandra propagation is very similar to the Anubias, when a new growth is formed on the main Rhizome, make sure there are a couple of roots before you can cut and remove. The newly cut growths can be tied only rocks and wood with black cotton until they have take hold of the material.
Bucephalandra CF. motleyana "Melawi"
Bucephalandra's have only been imported recently into South Africa ,currently only Bucephalandra CF. motleyana "Melawi" available locally and also the most expensive aquatic plant in my collection to date.

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